
Absent Minded
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -2
This character has problems with memory... Often getting mental blanks over the most obvious and easy to recall things. This is not to say they're stupid, because they're not; often they are very skilled and creative people. You just cannot rely on them to ever recall mundane details.
Gm may force an intelligence 4 test for player to remember major details, and intelligence 6 test

Annoying Habit
Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1
The character possesses an annoying habit that surfaces during periods of conversation. Options include a snorting laugh, tendency to emit minor amounts of spittle, unnerving facial expressions, or some other conversation disrupting activity. As a result, a +1 is applied to all Social skill rolls that involve situations in which such an annoyance would be a factor. (In other words, you don’t get the +1 for annoying facial expressions if you’re talking to someone over a non-video phone).

Bard’s Tongue
Category: Magical Flaw
Value: -1
Somehow, you are in contact with a pool of universal knowledge, or some spirit deep in the metaplanes has hooks set deeply into you. Roughly once per adventure, an uncomfortable truth will come into your head and proceed immediately to your lips; only making a Willpower (6) roll and biting your tongue hard enough to cause a Light wound can prevent it. Gamemasters who do not feel up to making use of such a Flaw should ban it.

Blatant Magic
Category: Magical Flaw
Value: -1
Your magic is always obvious whenever you cast spells, though you may sustain them normally. Perhaps your totemic mask appears at the drop of a hat- often regarded as a good thing by shamans- or glowing signs and sigils appear in the air when you cast your spells.

Body Odor
Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1
A PC with the Body Odor flaw constantly emits an uncontrollable, unpleasant aroma. Needless to say, this can create some rather uncomfortable social situations, resulting in the character having difficulty during negotiations, conversations, etc. The PC receives a +1 modifier to all Social Skill rolls that involve fairly close physical distances (about 1.5m), as well as an additional +1 (for a total of +2) if he or she was engaging in strenuous physical activity prior to the exchange. In closed spaces with little ventilation, the ‘range’ of the PCs odor may extend past 1.5m, perhaps even engulfing an entire room.

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -2 (-4)
Your character loves money and doesn't want to use any of it as long as possible. He'll buy the cheapest gear possible and haggle over everything.

Continuous Blatant Magic
Category: Magical Flaw
Value: -2
As Blatant Magic, but it continues while you sustain spells.

Combat Ego
Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1
Characters with the Combat Ego flaw have the unfortunate tendency to brag about past combat experiences. In conversation, they feel they must always one-up another individuals war story with one of their own, even if it requires the release of information best kept secret. In a social situation involving the exchange of combat recollections, the PC must make a Willpower test against a target of 6 (modified upwards if they’ve been drinking). If they fail, they will recount their own story in an attempt to show up their verbal opponent. If the roll fails miserably (GM’s discretion), they may release sensitive information involving names, places, or other info that might get them in trouble.

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
The world seems to be a very distorted and twisted place, and you are often left confused. Sometimes, things just don’t make sense. Mostly, this is a role-playing Flaw, but you should gain penalties to your target numbers when suffering from overwhelming sensory input, such as in a crowd or loud nightclub. This Flaw can work equally well on brainless thugs who just don’t bother making sense of the world and reclusive geniuses who fail to find a pattern in the wealth of information they can perceive.

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -3
Your natural curiosity is strong enough to override your common sense, even if you possess that Edge. To resist the temptation to investigate mysteries, make a Willpower roll. Resisting “I wonder what’s in that cabinet?” requires only a 4, but “I’ll just peek into the Renraku mainframe- no one will notice!” requires an 8.

Deep Sleeper
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
You sleep heavily, though you do not necessarily snore, have a +2 to all TN’s for being woken up, and suffer a +1 to all TN’s for up to half an hour after waking (though your morning coffee, hot shower, or a jolt of adrenaline can clear this up pronto).

Category: Social Flaw
Value: -2
The character has the look and pallor of a man standing on his last legs. The PC suffers from some form of incurable disease making him physically weaker. The character receives a -1 to a physical attribute, has +1TN to all social interactions, and most people simply do not want to be around the character unless they have no other choice.

Category: Social Flaw
Value: -4
The character's face and possibly body is seriously disfigured due to some horrible accident, untreatable sickness or severe genetic fault. This lowers the character's Attribute Maximum for Charisma by 2, and adds +1 TN to all Social Skill Tests made face to face.

Distinctive Features
Category: Physical Flaw
Value: -1
These must be something you cannot hide without great difficulty- a sixth finger, tattoos all over your face, a missing ear- and a reason you aren’t going to have this corrected as soon as you’ve got the nuyen for cosmetic surgery.

Eerie Presence
Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1
You may be physically unexceptional, but there’s just a creepy aura about you; choose how it manifests, whether people are simply uneasy around you, if they get the feeling you exude waves of invisible slime, if menace and evil hang over your head like smog, et cetera. You possess a +2 penalty to Social rolls around most people, though friends may grow to overlook your magical air and some people- often magically active, though many enlightened, self-assured people also possess such capabilities- may automatically overlook it. People with Eerie Presence can seldom detect this presence in other people.

Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1
Someone did something major for you in the past and you owe them, big time. They can call on you for favors which may be fairly dangerous.

Formerly Famous
Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1 to -4
-1 You were a little-known star, a long time ago. You are occasionally recognized. Mostly a minor nuisance. "Hey, weren't you on Different Strokes?"

-2 You were a minor celebrity, and fairly recently. A lot of folks still recognize you, or at least say that you resemble so-and-so. "He's the guy from those soy beer commercials!"

-3 You used to be a fairly well-known celebrity, but you kind of faded away. People still recognize your face, although many will just assume you had cosmetic surgery to look like so-and-so. "Are you really Johnny Rex? I loved your movies! Revenge of the Ninja's Brother IV got robbed at the Oscars, if you ask me!"

-4 You are an infamous celebrity. You were either involved in disreputable films (smut), or you had a fall from grace that was not very pretty (ugly divorce, crashed your sports car because you were hopped up on party drugs, etc.). You are recognized often, and usually when you really don't want to be.
You are a red-hot current celebrity. You can get into any nightclub or VIP list you want, but if anyone were to ever find out about your "other career"...*shudder* "Whoa! You're Nick Shlong, the troll porn star! I really liked that scene with you and those elf twins."

Category: Social Flaw
Value: -2
With this flaw, the character must make a willpower 6 (8)check to resist helping out the little guy. It doesn't matter if it's the shopkeeper being hassled by the mob, the Cop being hunted down by the bunch of Go-gangers, the Decker about to be executed by the cyberzombie, or just the girl who's being teased in the playground. they just have to help out ONLY if they think they can, if its one man against a full Lonestar HTR team, common sense will prevail. Knowing the person in question is completely unnecessary, Tn of 8 if he knows them. (GM should not force this when situation is too dangerous)

Impaired Sense Of Direction
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1 or -2
A character with this flaw has difficulty remembering the layout of roads, buildings, etc. and frequently becomes lost if not equipped with a map. The character receives a +1 (or +2, depending on the level of the flaw) to any rolls that involve recollection of a followed path or the location of a given area. Magicians with this flaw may have trouble finding their way back to their body while in astral space, Deckers may have difficulty remembering matrix locations, and Riggers will find themselves frequently asking for directions or relying on their autopilot. Since it is rare the GMs require rolls for recollections in SR, they may wish to introduce the necessity for a simply intelligence test if an individual inflicted with the flaw needs to find their way around. Cyberware such as the orientation system will not cure this flaw as it is rooted in the fundamentals of how the afflicted individual’s brain interprets spatial information.

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
While you are not a complete Pacifist, you consider killing to be the last resort, and will only do so when it is obvious that a person cannot be brought to justice or in self-defense; even then, you do so in as humane a means as possible. You have a firm conviction in your beliefs, and will attempt to exhort your teammates to avoid wetwork contracts against all but the most heinous of criminals.

Lost in the details
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
The character has an eye for detail, Gains a -1tn for perception tests but gm may force a willpower (6) roll for character to pull him/herself away from whatever she was studying.

Category: Social Flaw
Value: -4
The character isn't the kind of person who stabs his friends and contacts in the back, he is fiercely loyal and must take a willpower (12) test to do anything the character would consider "betrayal" (GM discretion) and even if he succeeds he feels intensely guilty about it afterwards.

Mentaly Weak
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -2
The character has suffered major mental trauma in the past, A nervous breakdown, Hit by some nasty IC, or just plain got whacked in the head and has never "been quite right" since. The character suffers a -1 to their willpower at character creation.

Nervous Tic
Category: Physical Flaw
Value: -1
A character with the Nervous Tic flaw will frequently experience minor, uncontrolled spasms in their face or neck. These spasms appear on average about once every 30 seconds, but increase in frequency when the individual is experiencing stress, attempting to lie, etc. A PC with a Nervous Tic adds +1 to all Social skill due to distraction.

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
Your character suffers from night-terrors, and he seldom gets a good night's sleep. Every morning after experiencing these nightmares, he must take a willpower (4) test. If he doesn't score at least one success he will be distracted for the the rest of the day, incurring a +1 modifier for TNs. Chances are, these nightmares are the result of repressed trauma. (gm should allow this one to be “cured” rather than bought off)

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
You have an exaggerated sense of your own abilities, and do not hesitate to meet challenges that would leave more sensible people quaking in their boots or heading for a fortified position. You can always find fault in others to blame for your failure. If you are a charismatic individual, you may be able to infect others with your overconfidence.

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
Willpower (6) test to throw anything away, even evidence that could get you in trouble.

Category: Social Flaw
The character thinks everyone is out to get him, either because he knows too much, or think he does.
The character suffer a +3 TN for every social encounter, including with his lvl 1 contacts, (+2 TN for lvl 2 contacts and +1 TN for lvl 3 contacts), and must always change main home (or living style) every 1-2 months, for fear of being located, (street living is not affected by this) But due to the nervous habit of always watching his back, character gains -2 TN for suprise tests.

Poor Sense
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
You have +1 to all Perception target numbers with a particular sense.

Recovering Addict
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -3
person has in the past been addicted (BTL, drugs, alcohol - u name it) and they have been "clean" for a while now, all physical effects have worn off however they still suffer the willpower test if offered the offending agent again.
For Recovering Addict, I would make it a -3 Point Flaw, just because the addiction rules in Man & Machine are so nasty.

Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1
For some reason, you just seem to be the guilty party; even when you’re asleep, you look like you’re up to something. People seldom trust you, even if you’ve done nothing wrong, and you are often singled out for special attention.

Shortened Attention Span
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
Those who possesses this flaw have trouble keeping their mind on the task at hand. They quickly become bored with whatever they’re doing and often waste time moving back and forth between various activities.
If a PC with this flaw wishes to continue working on the same activity for more than 30 minutes, they must roll an unopposed Willpower test against a target of 4. If the test succeeds, they may continue. If the test fails, they must stop their current activity and find something else to do for at least ten minutes before they can go back to work. The target number to resist the temptation to stop working increases by 1 for every thirty minutes that pass.
It is not recommended that magicians pick up this flaw. It would make learning a spell a living hell.

Short of Breath
Category: Physical Flaw
Value: -2
You have difficulty performing strenuous tasks because you cannot breathe properly; medical science has yet to find a cure for your asthma-like ailment. Because your lungs only pull in a fraction of the air you need for serious exertion, any time you attempt such, make a Body (4) roll or be unable to perform any action on the next round while you catch your breath.

Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1
You a naturally shy person, and prefer to avoid most social situations if you can. Increase your target numbers for Social activities with strangers by +1, or +2 if you are the center of attention.

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1 or -2
You find motivation difficult, you aren't the type of person who makes their living as a novelist, unless under direct motivation or impending deadline (I.E picking a lock in a gunfight or disarming a bomb) you suffer a double base time to all B/R tests, unless you pass a willpower (6) test.

Slow Healer
Category: Physical Flaw
Value: -2
Your character has an inefficient immune system, and therefore takes longer to heal damage. This might be the result of an Immuno-deficiency virus, a reliance on immune-suppressing drugs or anti-biotics, or any number of other permanent factors that you can think up. +2 to all healing TN's

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
You cannot bear to witness suffering, and causing it can bring you nights of nausea and days of sleepless grief. It may be that you empathize too strongly, or merely that being in the presence of such intense emotions drives you to distraction. Whenever you must witness suffering, difficulties of all rolls are increased by one for the next hour.

Speech Impediment
Category: Social Flaw
Value: -1
You have a stammer or some other speech impediment that hampers verbal communication. Your TN’s for communication and some Social rolls can go up by 2 under appropriate circumstances.

Category: Social Flaw
Value: -2
The character will rarely back down from a confrontation with anyone or anything. For the 2 point flaw the character must make a willpower test (5) to back away from a situation.

Category: Social Flaw
Value -1 or -3
A character with the stuttering flaw simply has trouble getting the words out. The 1 point flaw manifests itself in times of stress, or when a point needs to be made quickly. The 3 point flaw manifests itself the whole time, giving the character major problems in communication. The flaw is caused by part of the characters brain not working correctly, so cybercomm radios, datajack links etc. are only partly effective: apply a +1, or +2 TN to the language test, if it is a comprehension test, or reduce the number of words allowed to be transmitted by the flaw value.

Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1 to -4
Characters with this flaw have grown too used to technology and gadgets. Their fully capable of using them to their full extent of functions, however its also made them lazy and sloppy, any time they cant use a piece of technology for a task or must use more mundane tools they suffer a +1 modifier per level (i.e rigger cant use vcr, b&e expert lost their maglock passkey and must use toolkit, or even sammy has a non smartlinked weapon.

Category: Physical Flaw
Value -1 or -2
Uncoordinated characters never quite get their movements right. They're the ones who always spill their coffee, trip over curbs, and generally create a walking danger zone for themselves and people near them.
For each point of the flaw, give the character a +1 TN modifier on any quickness related skill. The characters reaction and combat pool are not affected, as the uncoordinated character is not slower than other people, just clumsier.

Weak Nerves
Category: Mental Flaw
Value: -1
The character receives a +1 TN modifier on tests made to resist fear and intimidation, including Fear caused by critter powers or spells.

Credit:Collected from Dumpshock